En los últimos años se presencia una progresiva psiquiatrización de la vida diaria, etiquetando muchos comportamientos y conductas como síntomas que, de un modo reduccionista, configuran un diagnóstico y tratamiento únicos. No obstante el sufrimiento se evidencia, se atiende y se trata en nuestras consultas. Muchas patologías psiquiátricas comienzan en la adolescencia y otras se evidencian habiendo sido gestadas en los años previos, por ello los profesionales de cualquier ámbito que trabajan con adolescentes, deben prestar especial atención a sus conductas o demandas indirectas, ya que su persistencia puede derivar en el despegue de funcionamientos patológicos invalidantes para el futuro adulto.
Palabras clave
In the last years, the psychiatric interventions are increased at all circumstances of the life, more and more in social and economic crisis. Now the adaptive behaviours in adolescents are considered as “mental disorders” and the solution of them must be psychiatric or psychological treatments, but in the major of cases is necessary discuss this topic, understanding this adolescents behaviours on the structural functioning of the mind in each context. Nevertheless the suffering is demonstrated, attended and treated itself in our clinical setting. Psychiatric pathologies arise in the adolescence and other mental disorders have the onset more insidious through the previous years. Therefore the adolescent psychiatrist and psychologist, psychotherapy professionals also the paediatrician or Family doctors from primary health care, must make a focalised attention to behavioural or risk factor included on their demands, because its persistence may be a stopper for their future development.
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